About CodeTrace

CodeTrace is a real-time skills assessment software that measures the developer’s expertise based on their code. CodeTrace uses code lexical analyses to generate various metrics based on developer's code. The project was started at the beginning of 2017, in the May of 2017 we launched the first version of the product. Our goal is to become a global social network for developers where they can showcase their skills and boost their careers.


Hayk Hovhannisyan

Development, Growth, Planning

Rafayel Mkrtchyan

Product, Growth

Vahan Hovhannisyan


Sona Badalyan


Sergey Tangyan


Narek Abrahamyan



Work For Fun — We love the product and enjoy our job. We create every feature in a way we are proud of the result.

Act Smart — The Pareto principle says “roughly 80% of output is a direct result of about 20% of the input.” We are always looking for the great 20 percent to do it first.

Listen — We don't afraid of criticism and appreciate opinions about the project. We collect feedback and implement features based on them.


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